Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mr. Grey

Let me introduce you to a person who can't be decisive on anything. He can't decide on Black or White... only the confusing shade of Grey in the middle. But... when a decision is made... it is made HIS way. Period.

You try desperately to give your opinion... you even back it with proof, knowledge and compassion. Nope... He  over-talks you as you speak and talks down to you as if you were a 6 year old with a 3 year old mentality.

He steps away from your family at the age of 19 to rarely be around after that, even though you try your best to include him. You love him with all his faults and miss him terribly... or at least you miss the person he USED to be. When he does step back in... he does it with such a lack of compassion, or understanding or care for others feelings or desires, that it leaves you wondering if Mr Grey should have even been brought or invited back.

Harsh, overbearing, manipulative, condescending.
Forgetful, mean, pushy, better-than-thou.
Self-Entitled, arrogant, non-communicative and non listening.

I struggle to deal with the fact that Mr Grey is the Brother to Little Miss Sunshine (Me).
I sit here with the, "I just don't get it" mentality wondering how the hell he can be such a horses ass.

Maybe he chose to step away from family reality a long time ago and just doesn't have the sack to admit he was wrong and needs family in his life. That he needs to calm things down a bit and that he isn't always right.
(For God's sake he was calling my mom's cancer, Stomach Cancer and when I corrected him he tells me, "I am not going to sit here and argue about it Ali... we can discuss details later". I was appalled)

Anywho... I am sure we all have a Mr Grey in our lives... a boss, a friend, a cousin... I am curious... am I the only one dealing with such idiot-ness?


  1. You ARE NOT the only one! Unfortunately you can only ocntrol your actions and not others. That sucks but you have to try to remember... people suck and they always will! The more people suck, the more awesome you get to be! xoxoxo Love you!
