Monday, May 2, 2011

1992 Poem Found.... woah

Ok so I found a really old poem I wrote from a creative writing class I had in 1992.
Funny how time changes things... lord only knows what would have happened had I...
And where the hell were these teachers that were supposed to be looking out for warning signs... sweet jesus!

The Rock That Nobody Cared About

Walking down a beach, the beach so still yet cheerful, I see a large rock.
Upon that rock I climb.
To sit there and gaze out at the ocean.
I wonder how many people have sat here and thought out their lives.

Letting their emotions, tears, run wild,
Going in and out with the tide.
The warm gentle night breeze runs freely across my face.
Letting the tears fall gently,
Having no more to hide.

Towards the sky I look
Noticing the stars.
So many, looking nearly perfect, like diamonds
Yet having so many flaws, like crevices.

The reflection of the moon on the water dances about,
With the ripples highlighting for a dramatic effect that catches my eye.
The water is calling for me, I slide down the rock.
The rock worn for many years, showing its age with much pride.

As I slide down, my skin rips and tears.
Blood trickles down my leg.
Feeling no pain, no love and mostly no cares.

One foot in front of the other
I feel soft grains of dry sand, moist sand then wet.
Going into the water, the tears stroll down my cheeks.

Looking back every now and then
Trying to reconsider.
Memories of people treasured and held dear,
Only having few regrets 
And only but one fear.

My dress is wet all the way to the top,
Feeling it beneath me flowing like seaweed.
I'm shaking like a child without her mother by her side.
I think I'll let go now, and drift out slowly with the tide.

Like that old and timeless rock upon the beach,
No one cared that it had died.

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